Tips For Proper Oral Hygiene

Many young people do not know how to properly take care of their teeth and their overall oral hygiene. As an example, it is vital that you spend three minutes minimum brushing your teeth in order to make sure that it is brushed correctly. Go here  for more information about holistic dentist.

It is also important that you use a proper fluoride based toothpaste to brush your teeth on a daily basis. It is a sad fact that nearly fifty percent of all children under fifteen years old have cavities in their teeth when this is completely unnecessary if they had taken better care of their teeth. Another reason that problems with our teeth are so common today is that the food we eat is extremely dangerous for our teeth. Many of the sugary, acidic drinks that we drink on a daily basis are extremely dangerous and they cause decay. You may have seen the video of a tooth being placed in a glass of Coca Cola overnight only to find that the truth has melted during the night and there are no signs of the tooth in the glass the next morning. Imagine then what this same drink is doing to your teeth when you drink it and do not wash your mouth out or brush your teeth soon after you have drunk it.

Professional cleaning and advice

It is important for you to visit a dentist at least every month or so to have your teeth professionally cleaned and examined for any sign of decay or cavities. If he is able to spot them in their earliest stages, he will be able to treat them before they get bad. Much of the decay occurs in the back teeth because they are often an area that we find difficult to reach when brushing our teeth. Professionals use veneers to cover up these teeth when they have rotten and are far too gone to fix. It is important that you do not wait until it is too late.It is important that you brush your teeth twice a day with a good fluoride based tooth paste which strengthens the enamel or the outer part of your teeth and can prevent your teeth from decaying. In addition to this, you need to floss daily to reach areas that a tooth brush cannot reach. Fluoride is one of the greatest discoveries in dental health because it is the one thing that can make your teeth stronger and in turn prevent them from rotting whereas most other substances will have the exact opposite effect on your teeth.