Steps To Take When You Twist Your Ankle

Twisting your ankle is not really a new experience. In fact, you might have even gone through this situation a multiple times in your life. Therefore, do not be too afraid if you do twist yours for the first time since it is quite a normal accident that happens to almost everyone ranging from very young ages to old ages. However, if you do twist your ankle, there are several steps you can take to treat it and get back on both your feet again. Here are some useful tips for you to use in this case.

The RICE method

Just as you feel that your ankle has twisted, the R.I.C.E method is the best treatment that you should think of. Usually, this method is taught to all students at schools in their Physical Education or Health Science lessons. The letters of RICE stand for what needs to be done to the ankle in order; Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Therefore, even if there is no one around you to give a hand at this situation, just take these small steps until someone arrives to perform proper first aid on you.


The recovery process post to your injury will take some, perhaps even a week. Do not underestimate a twist of the ankle for it too take time to heal. However, this does not mean that you need to run to an orthopaedic surgeon to get an operation done. Just perform some simple exercises and you will be fine. Make sure that you treat the calf muscles specifically. Perform exercises that will help them stretch as the twist would have made them tight. 


The ever famous saying is that prevention is better than cure. So why risk your ankle or any other joint which result in walking in to make an appointment with a hip surgeon or any other doctor to treat it. There are some steps that you can take in order to avoid such situations. Make sure to always perform warming up exercises before any sport and also take necessary steps whenever you need to walk on uneven surfaces. Being careful always comes in handy.

A healthy life style

Living healthy is important to all of us. Yes, staying away from injuries is not always possible as they might occur at the most unexpected occasion. However, if you can take the necessary food that would make your bones stronger to face the situations, the risks will be much lower.
Keep in mind, prevention is better than cure!